Now they are taller - probably two feet or so.
The peppers I bought, which are jalapenos, have fruit on them and they will be ripe very soon! I am so excited about that.
Though we thought we bunny-proofed the fence, I found a baby bunny in the garden one day when I was out there weeding. I had my dog chase the bunny out, so we could see where the hole in the fence was (don't try that at home! I knew I was risking something awful but we've noticed that our dog stops chasing bunnies and squirrels when she gets close enough to catch them). There are some bushes on the north side of the fence that made it difficult to see the smallest gap between the ground and the fence. My spouse hammered the fence down lower but we will probably have to put some boards down to keep the rabbits from digging underneath the fence. We haven't seen any more rabbits or evidence of damage.
UPDATE: The peppers continue to grow well, and several have fruit set on them. I was hoping to get a total of 60 peppers, and currently I can find 10 peppers growing (a couple of them are pictured below). Currently none of the rainbow bell pepper collection plants have fruit, only the yolo wonders. I have been very dissatisfied with all of the seeds I bought from Livingston.
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