Friday, July 29, 2011

watermelon germination

Well...only two of the three types of watermelon I planted germinated. Unfortunately, I'm not sure which one I planted where, but I'm almost certain that livingston seed's petite yellow is the one that failed. I'm disappointed and very concerned that even the two that germinated won't set fruit before the weather gets cold. Plus, I'm going to have to be very vigilant about pests, after the trouble I've had with the squash - more on that later.

Next year, I will almost certainly start watermelon seeds indoors. Maybe in the south people can direct seed watermelon and it will ripen in their long growing season, but here in zone 6 it doesn't seem like it will be a success - especially since we had such a late start to summer.

They took a surprisingly long time to germinate - at least two weeks for the first one that poked through (pictured below) and even longer for the second.

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