I've been so focused on finding japanese beetles on my bean plants that I didn't notice that there are a TON of beans ready for harvest! Usually I really enjoy finding the baby vegetables and watching them grow until they are ready to be eaten, but this time I didn't even notice what was going on. Pictured above is a baby bean - I didn't get a good photo of the more mature beans.
I'm not exactly sure how many will be ready to be picked. Only one of my resources gives a tip for knowing when to harvest, and it says to pick them when they are still immature because they taste better - before the beans start to swell. That makes it seem like they should be flat. But every time I buy green beans at the farmers market or get them in my CSA, they are nice and round. It seems like that is what I would be looking for, so I'm just going to pick the ones that I would want to eat and can them.
I was not prepared to can this early - I need to wash the jars, buy rings (I got several canning jars off freecycle but they didn't have any type of lid), take stock of the other canning supplies I have, figure out exactly how this whole canning thing works, and then find a chunk of time to actually do the work!
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