Today we are building a fence for the garden. We still need to get the area prepared, however we do it...after more research on lasagna gardening, I feel confused about whether or not I am supposed to put actual compost on top of the cardboard, or just organic materials that will turn into compost over the winter. I thought it was the latter, but from what I understand about compost, it wouldn't get hot enough over the winter to turn into healthy compost.
Then there is the problem of finding cow manure. I would like to buy it from a farmer nearby that lets his/her cattle graze on grass rather than feeding them corn. Cows' stomachs are not meant to eat corn, so the manure from cows with corn-based diets will not be very good.
Besides that, there are other methods of preparing soil in the fall that make it easier in the spring. So many options! This is what can be frustrating and overwhelming about gardening, for someone like me who has no clue what they are doing. Most gardening resources are really intended for people who already have a fairly decent working knowledge of how to grow stuff. But I know that probably, all methods will work just fine, so I need to just pick the one that makes the most sense to me. My goal is to have the grass die over the winter rather than having to remove the sod in the spring. I don't mind tilling the soil in the spring, and it seems odd to me that I wouldn't have to do that if I did lasagna gardening. To let you in on a secret, I was planning on tilling in the spring anyway, even if I did lasagna gardening. The scandal! So, I'm leaning towards trying something else. I just have to keep researching the options in the meantime...and quick!
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